Southern Africa has a long history ofhuman mobility centered around the migration of labor tofarms and mines in the region. Patterns of migration anddisplacement have since been transformed by the end ofApartheid, changing economic systems, and conflict andpolitical instability, both in the region and elsewhere.Today mobility in the region is motivated by a combinationof diverse social, political and economic reasons; shaped bylong-standing historical movements and re-shaped by newerpatterns of urbanization and displacement; organized throughvarious legal and extra-legal means and governed byfragmented and contradictory legal frameworks. These complexpatterns of migration and displacement, state responses tothem, and the implications of mobility for job outcomes inSouth Africa - as the major destination country in theregion - are the subject matter of this study. Ourquantitative analysis on the impact of immigration on localjobs in South Africa finds that one immigrant workergenerates approximately two jobs for South Africans duringthe period analyzed (1996 and 2011). These results and thesubstantiations provided in this publication are significantfor policy makers and development actors in South Africa andthe wider region, and as such, their implications should beseriously considered.