Roadmap for Safer Schools
World Bank
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  115068
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Each year countries suffer great tragedywhen natural disasters destroy schools and disruptchildren’s education. In addition to causing immediate harmto children, there is mounting evidence that the directimpact of natural disasters can translate into a series ofindirect long-term effects. For some time, multilateral andbilateral development finance institutions, United Nations(UN) agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) havebeen engaged in efforts to make schools resilient to naturalhazards. Despite these efforts, however, the safety ofschool facilities in many disaster-prone countries isunknown, and governments and donors continue to finance newschool construction without taking sufficient account ofsafety. In 2014, the Global Facility for Disaster Reductionand Recovery (GFDRR) launched the Global Program for SaferSchools (GPSS). Through the GPSS, GFDRR support programsdesigned to establish safer school facilities in countrieswhere the government has firmly committed to a reform orinvestment program in the education sector. GFDRR providestechnical assistance to ensure that such education sectorprograms finance safer school facilities. The aim of theGPSS is to make school facilities, and the communities theyserve, more resilient to natural hazards. This Roadmap isfocused specifically on school infrastructure (whichincludes the school site and buildings). For investmentopportunities to be effective and to have maximum impact atcommunity and national scales, it is important that thissupport is coordinated with investments in school disastermanagement, risk reduction and resilience in education, anddisaster preparedness in other sectors.

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