A growing number of governments areinterested in partnering with the private sector to providepublic infrastructure assets and services. The PPP ReferenceGuide aims to assist them. The Guide tackles the followingquestions: What are public-private partnerships (PPPs), whyand when to use them. What kind of policy, legal, andinstitutional framework is needed to ensure PPPs achievetheir objectives efficiently and effectively. What is theprocess for developing and implementing a PPP project. TheGuide provides the most relevant examples and resources onkey PPP topics and helps readers navigate the substantialbody of knowledge that has been generated across the worldby governments, international development institutions,academia, and the private sector. It is not a toolkit or astep-by-step guidebook; nor does it cover the specifics ofPPPs in any given country or sector. The third editionincludes new subjects such as stakeholder communication andengagement, environmental and social studies and standards,and climate change. Additional relevant sections includemunicipal PPPs and private participation in fragile andconflict-affected states.