Financial capability, as defined by theWorld Bank Group (WBG) in this report, is the capacity toact in one’s best financial interest, given socioeconomicand environmental conditions. Improving financialcapabilities has become a priority for policy makers seekingto promote financial inclusion, financial stability, and thesmooth functioning of financial markets. In response to arequest from the Central Bank of Haiti (Banque Centrale dela Republique d’Haiti) (BRH), the World Bank has conducted afinancial capability and inclusion survey. The BRH hasidentified the low levels of financial capabilities andfinancial inclusion as priority areas for reform. Thissurvey constitutes a key diagnostic tool that aims to guidethe authorities in developing a detailed implementationaction plan for improving financial capability and inclusionlevels. The report covers following main areas: chapter oneprovides a brief overview of the methodology used and thecomposition of the sample. Chapter two assesses the level offinancial inclusion in Haiti, including a more detailed lookat the uptake of individual products, and chapter threeassesses varies aspects of financial capability in Haiti.Chapter four summarizes the findings and makesrecommendations for the development of an action plan forfinancial education.