African cities are growing faster thancities on any other continent. With populations growing atsuch an enormous rate, it is often difficult forinfrastructure to keep pace with urban growth. Risingautomobile traffic on the continent has posed a greatchallenge. Increasingly, African cities struggle to handlethe volume of motor vehicle traffic on their roadways.African urban dwellers spend much of their time stuck intraffic and away from their work and families. Publictransport systems and pedestrian facilities must be improvedso that African cities may continue to grow withoutsuffering the consequences of runaway growth in privatevehicle traffic. This report includes case studies of theinstitutional structures, financing practices, andregulations that have been adopted by cities and have beensuccessful at achieving dramatic improvements in the designand implementation of the pedestrian environment. The reportdraws on international best practice and pilot projects inAfrica to provide guidance on the key elements that shouldbe considered in the design and maintenance of high-qualitywalking environments.