Romania faces today the critical need toenhance the coordination of public investment programs andprojects in order to ‘do more with less,’ maximizingdevelopment impact given limited financial resourcesavailable. In this context, ‘value for money’ is the keyguiding principle of public investments, making this finalreport is both critically important and timely. Romania’spreparations for the 2014-2020 EU programming period are infull swing, with multiple operational programs recentlyapproved. In parallel, the Government is working onrevamping instruments financed entirely from the statebudget. The core focus is on the National Local DevelopmentProgram (PNDL), the main state-budget-funded investmentprogram for local infrastructure development, thoughfindings and recommendations may be extrapolated to otherstate-budget-funded instruments (e.g., the Environment Fund)and, indeed, as decentralization and regionalization mayevolve in the future, subnational governments may also applythe lessons of this work. The main goal of this work is torecommend and facilitate the adoption of prioritization andselection criteria that enhance coordination at the level ofinfrastructure programs and the projects they finance.