Haiti has a vision to become an emergingeconomy by 2030. Haiti has comparative advantages, includingits proximity and access to major markets; a young laborforce and a dynamic diaspora; and substantial geographic,historical, and cultural assets. Areas of economicopportunity for Haiti include agribusiness, lightmanufacturing, and tourism. Recognizing these opportunities,the Government of Haiti issued in May 2012 a strategicdevelopment Plan (PSDH), aiming at building a new modern,diversified, resilient, competitive, and inclusive economy,respectful of its environment and in which people’s basicneeds is met. This report examines more particularly how to:(i) mobilize greater fiscal revenue; (ii) enhance the growthdividend of public investment; (iii) improve the efficiencyof spending in critical sectors such as health, education,and social protection; and (iv) protect the budget from areturn of fuel price subsidies. This report builds on newlyavailable data, including the 2012 household survey, the2012 demographic and health survey (DHS), and the 2011-12school census, to provide a better understanding of theequity and sustainability issues in the delivery of somebasic services such as health and education, and engagepolicy makers and other actors on gaps and priorities.