This report provides a baseline analysisof the status of access to finance for micro, small, andmedium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) with a particular focus onwomen entrepreneur' ability and constraints inaccessing finance in order to develop and grow theirbusinesses. It is based on a nationally representativesurvey of 542 enterprises conducted in Bosnia andHerzegovina (BiH) between September 2016 and February 2017.The survey is a continuation of the ongoing work on accessto finance and builds upon an earlier supply-side studyconducted by the World Bank during the 2014 IMF/World BankFinancial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) Update, as wellas on lessons learned from the BiH Enhancing SME Access toFinance Project. The objective of the survey is to furtheranalyze the demand side constraints to private sector growthand enterprise performance related to or arising from lackof access to finance. The survey has the specific aim todetermine the level of women entrepreneurs' ability andconstraints in accessing finance in order to develop andgrow their businesses.