Global growth gained momentum in 2017.After slowing to 2.4 percent in 2016 as investment and tradeweakened, global growth accelerated to a projected 2.7percent for 2017.Moreover, the recovery has beenbroad-based.Global trade also continued to strengthen andexternal financing conditions remain benign.Amid thesepositive tailwinds, along with firming oil prices andgrowing macro-stability, the Russian economy returned tomodest growth in 2017. The growth momentum of the secondhalf of 2016 spilled over to 2017 and was especially strongin the second quarter this was supported by a rebound indomestic demand in the first half of 2017—which alsocontributed to a growth slowdown starting in the thirdquarter.On the production side, mineral resource extraction,transportation, and state management and provisioning fornational security drove growth in the first quarter of2017.Monetary policy remained prudent and consistent withthe inflation-targeting framework. However, improvement inheadline indicators masks underlying disparities andremaining vulnerabilities.