Afghanistan’s per capita Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of 6.9 percentduring that period. In contrast, in 2007-08, 36 percent ofAfghans were poor, and four years later, still, more thanone in three Afghans did not have the buying power tosatisfy their basic food and non-food needs. Economic growthin Afghanistan, therefore, is not in and of itself enough toreduce poverty. To achieve poverty reduction, economicgrowth needs to be far more inclusive for everyone,regardless of their circumstances. While economic growth isnecessary to reduce poverty, the poor must actually benefitfrom that growth. Poverty reduction hinges on the ability ofthe poorest to earn a good living; accumulate, control, andprotect assets; and access quality services andopportunities. For Afghanistan, this means: strengtheningagriculture, investing in human development, managing andmitigating risk.