Uruguay currently stands out in LatinAmerica for its higher per capita income, low inequality,low poverty, and virtual absence of indigence. As aproportion of the total population, the size of Uruguaysmiddle class is the largest in Latin America, encompassingwell over half the population. The country ranks at or nearthe top of Latin America on many measures of well-being. Thestability of its institutions and low levels of corruptionare reflected in a high degree of trust in government bycitizens. The countrys smallness and openness, and itsstrong and deeply rooted social compact – help explainUruguays achievements in the areas of growth, povertyreduction and shared prosperity as well as futureopportunities and challenges. The World Bank has two goalsfor Uruguay to sustain the social compact by strengtheninginclusion and equality of opportunity and to sustain growthwith productivity and competitiveness.