The rapid technological advancement isnow disrupting the global economy and creating new businessand development models, offering countries opportunities toleapfrog over traditional paths for economic growth. Overthe past years, digital technologies have been spreadingthroughout the world at a faster pace than previous waves oftechnological innovation, re-shaping consumer behavior,social interaction, businesses and governments. The digitaleconomy (DE), which encompasses a wide range of newapplications of information technology in business modelsand products, can spur economic growth, productivity andemployment and, with appropriate policies to mitigateinherent risks, has a potential to support inclusiveoutcomes. In this global context, digital transformation ofthe economy has become a major objective for the governmentof Senegal (GoS). This report provides a snapshot of thestate of DE in Senegal and uses several World Bank tools andinternational best practices to provide actionablerecommendations to the GoS.