Cambodia’s rice harvests have beenrising significantly since 2005, powered by improved andexpanded irrigation and attractive farm gate prices. In2010, the Cambodian government announced an export target of1.0 million tons of milled rice by 2015. This analysis,which updates reports prepared in 2009 and 2011, seeks toidentify short-term policy measures that can assistCambodian exporters in boosting exports in the near term.This report examines new and expected investments in thelarger rice mills and polishing factories, export trends,recent changes in milling costs, and provides a look atlogistical costs and some alternatives. Additionally, importtrends are examined in two current markets - the EuropeanUnion (EU) and Russia, and in three other key markets -Indonesia, the Philippines, and China. Finally, an analysisis provided of the current Thai rice policy which impacts onlocal prices and investment interests by Thai rice exporters.