Many cities in Kosovo suffer from poorair quality, with ambient concentrations of particulatematter with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less (PM2.5)significantly exceeding the national and European Union (EU)standards and global air quality guidelines for PM2.5established by the World Health Organization (WHO). The airpollution in the capital city of Prishtina rivals that ofbig cities like Beijing, Mumbai, and New Delhi. Especiallyin winter, urban areas face severe smog episodes, caused bythe increased demand for heat from the residential andcommercial sector, which is mainly provided by burning solidfuels. Such levels of air pollution are unsafe forKosovo's population of 1.9 million and causesignificant deleterious health impacts. This report is onein a series of three reports on air quality management (AQM)in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. Itexamines the nature and magnitude of ambient air pollution(AAP) in Kosovo. It provides estimates of the health burdenand the economic cost associated with the health impacts ofAAP, that is, PM2.5, in Kosovo. It also analyzes of theroles of various sources of PM2.5 emissions on ambient airquality in Kosovo at a national level. The institutional andpolicy framework for AQM in the country is examined,including contributions of other development institutions insupporting Kosovo in addressing air pollution. Furthermore,the report presents experiences of selected countries thathave applied different policy, investment, and technicalinterventions for air pollution, prevention, reduction, andabatement. Finally, it provides recommendations for reducingair pollution in Kosovo.