This report is a part of larger welfareand social policy work agenda which the Turkish StatePlanning Organization and the World Bank are carrying outcollaboratively. The work agenda includes the preparation ofa number of conceptualized, and in part of co-authored,analytical studies on topics ranging from examines theequity determinants to investigating the links betweenpoverty, employment creation, and growth. Further, the workagenda comprises a number of human development dialogues forwhich we are inviting international experts and practionersto share their experiences about social policy reforms withthe Turkish government and the wider academic andnon-governmental public. This report examines life chances.Life chances for today Turkish people, most importantlyfuture generation, today's children. The resultspresented in this report show that life chances differ inimportant dimensions today, and that Turkey could immenselyimprove its human and economic development potential bymaximizing such opportunities.