This review of gender issues aims touncover the main gender gaps in the country, and to identifypotential policy recommendations that could help closingthem in the coming years.The note is an input to thedevelopment of a Gender Action Plan for the Andean Countriesunder the Gender Analysis Work Program.the note lays out adescriptive overview of gender gaps in endowments, economicopportunities and agency the explanation of the observedsituation is outside the scope of this note.The note appliesthe analytical framework devised by the WDR 2012 on GenderEquality and Development. Chapter one covers the legal andinstitutional framework and the issue of the agency of womene.g. political representation and violence against women,time use, and attitudes towards women; Chapter two providesan overview the situation with regards to the mainendowments of health and education; and Chapter three dealswith the existing gender gaps in economic opportunity –labor force participation and unemployment, the quality ofemployment, earnings, entrepreneurship and access tofinance.This review is the result of the first stage in theassessment process. The note mainly reflects an initialdescriptive exercise, and will be revised after thecompletion of stakeholder consultations in the countries;the results of such consultations will not only helpidentify additional literature and research onspecificissues, but also help to prioritize the key gendergaps to be addressed based on the way discussions on theissue are currently taking place in the country.