Mexico, Costa Rica, and Ecuador havesubstantial experience with implementing payments forecosystem services (PES) and conservation incentiveprograms. Yet, many aspects of their experiences remainpoorly understood and will require special attention in anynew or expanded use of these types of incentives. As thesecountries, along with many others, get ready to implementintegrated approaches to Reduced Emissions fromDeforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD or REDD+), theyseek to understand how the lessons and challenges from theirpast experiences, as well as the wider lessons from similarinitiatives around the world, can inform their emergingREDD+ strategies, policies, institutional frameworks, andtools. This report describes examples of how each of thesetopics has been tackled in national programs and how theseexperiences can inform the development of REDD+ in the threefocus countries and beyond.