Participation in basic education in LaoPDR has improved steadily in recent decades. The netenrollment rate for primary schooling has climbed from 65percent in 1990 to 98 percent in 2014. This increase is adirect result of government policies, with partner support,to build new schools, hire new teachers and improve accessto all levels of schooling. It is the result of prioritizingsupport for specific populations (such as girls andchildren) who live in rural and remote areas. Also, theincrease in the net enrollment rate, combined with therecent decline in the gross enrollment rate (GER), showsthat progress is being made in terms of efficiency at theprimary level. For lower secondary, the results also showsteady increases in both gross and net enrollment rates overthe 2000-2014-time period, although much work remains to bedone to reach full participation and improved efficiency.