Burkina Faso Priorities for Poverty Reduction and Shared Prosperity : Systematic Country Diagnostic
World Bank Group
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  114393
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】
The rate of Burkina Faso’s progresstowards the eradication of extreme poverty and the reductionof inequalities over recent years has been sub-optimal. ThisSystematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) is an analytical reportprepared by the World Bank Group (WBG) in an attempt toidentify and analyze the factors that can help Burkina Fasoaccelerate its quest towards the achievement of the twingoals of reduced poverty and shared prosperity. The SCDassesses Burkina Faso’s performance in order to identify theconstraints and to formulate a set of key priorities tofacilitate the achievement of these goals. By focusing onthe most significant issues affecting theachievement ofthese goals, the SCD is intended to inform the formulationof the upcoming Country Partnership Framework (CPF) and thusto facilitate the optimization of the WBG’s assistance toBurkina Faso. The SCD is organized in three parts. Part Oneestablishes a context for the analysis through an assessmentof the state of Burkina Faso’s economy and the progress ithas made towards the achievement of the twin goals ofpoverty eradication and shared prosperity. Part Two presentsa unified analytical framework to identity the mainconstraints on the lack of Burkina Faso’s progress towardsthe achievement of these goals. This framework focuses ontwo key constraints, these being the limited extent to whichproductive jobs have been created and the limited degree ofaccess by poor households to a minimal package of servicesand infrastructure. Part Three attempts to rank policypriorities in the context of the analysis of the keyconstraints, international experience, and the perceptionsof key stakeholder groups in Burkina Faso.
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