Technology is one of the main drivers ofproductivity and economic growth. Developing countries havetraditionally had difficulties in both developing technologyand absorbing foreign technology. Seventy to eighty percentof the productivity gap between developed and developingcountries is estimated to result from the lag in theadoption of technologies in these countries. Tech start-upsare an effective a mechanism to both create local technologyand absorb foreign technology. In recent years, there hasbeen a surge in tech start-ups across the world. Fueled byglobal technology-led cost reductions and increased accessto resources, tech entrepreneurs have emerged in bothdevelop and developing countries. However, there is littleunderstanding of how these tech entrepreneurs formecosystems, their internal dynamics, how they work, whatmakes them grow and achieve sustainability, how they connectwith the local economy to drive productivity and employment,and why some ecosystems are more effective than others Theobjective of this report is to provide a betterunderstanding of the status of Dar Es Salaam’s start-upecosystem and provide policy recommendations for policymakers and other stakeholders who are interested insupporting the growth and sustainability of the ecosystem.