This country partnership framework (CPF)for Solomon Islands spans the period from July 1, 2017, toJune 30, 2023 (FY2018-FY2023). It presents the World BankGroup’s (WBG) program of engagements over this period and aresults framework against which anticipated outcomes will beevaluated. It builds on the results and lessons of SolomonIslands’ previous country partnership strategy (CPS), whichcovered the period between FY2013 and FY2017. This CPF iswell aligned with the Solomon Islands Government’s (SIG’s)long-term development vision, the national developmentstrategy 2016 to 2035: improving the social and economiclivelihoods of all Solomon Islanders (NDS), and the thematicpriorities emerging from the WBG’s Solomon Islandssystematic country diagnostic (SCD), completed in June 2017.The main purpose of the CPF is to support Solomon Islands inenhancing its economic resilience through inclusive growth,while considering economic geography and state fragility.The CPF will selectively support Solomon Islands’medium-term development plan (MTDP): 2016 to 2020 andincorporates key priorities of the SCD. The CPF is organizedaround three focus areas: (i) strengthening the foundationsof well-being, (ii) promoting inclusive and sustainablegrowth, and (iii) managing uneven development.