The corporate scorecard is designed toprovide a snapshot of the Bank's overall performance,including its business modernization, in the context ofdevelopment results. It facilitates strategic dialoguebetween management and the Board on progress made and areasthat need attention. With the results measurement system,which was adopted for the 13th replenishment of theInternational Development Association (IDA13) in 2002, theBank became the first multilateral development institutionto use a framework with quantitative indicators to monitorresults and performance. The corporate scorecard expandsthis approach to the entire World Bank covering both theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)and IDA. The corporate scorecard uses an integrated resultsand performance framework, which is organized in a four-tierstructure that groups indicators along the results chain.Tier one is development context. Tier two is developmentresults supported by the Bank. Whether the Bank is managingits operations and services effectively is shown in tierthree. Tier four focuses on whether the Bank is managingskills, capacity, resources, and processes efficiently; andis business modernization on track?