Effective environmental and social riskmanagement in development policy financing (DPF) is centralto achieving the World Bank’s goals of ending extremepoverty and promoting shared prosperity in a sustainablemanner. If the World Bank is supporting far-reaching membercountry reforms that are intended to contribute to the twingoals, then it should seek to understand the impact of thosereforms on the poor. It should also ensure that thecountry’s natural capital and long-term growth prospectswill not be undermined. The objective of this learningproduct is therefore to assess the application of theelements of the World Bank operational policy (OP 8.60)governing DPF related to the implementation of theenvironmental and social risk management requirements of thepolicy, and identify lessons learned and good practices. Thefocus of the study is on Bank actions, policies, procedures,and guidance for environmental and social risk management,based largely on a desk-based portfolio review of a large,random sample of development policy operations (DPOs),complemented by assessment of other relevant documents, andinterviews with key stakeholders. This approach requires theBank to determine whether specific policies supported by aDPO are likely to have significant poverty and social orenvironmental effects. The Bank emphasized the potential ofOP 8.60 to promote positive environmental and socialdevelopment from the time the policy was approved in 2004.