To evaluate and reflect thesustainability of services in the region, an overall sectorsustainability assessment was done, taking into account fourmain dimensions: access to services, quality of services,efficiency of services, and financing of services. Each ofthese dimensions is measured through three simple andobjective indicators. For each indicator, best practicevalues are established by looking at the best performers inthe region, and countries closest to those best performersare deemed to have a more mature sector. A more completedescription of the methodology to assess the sectorsustainability is included in the annex of the state of thesector regional report from the Danube Water Program. Theoutcomes of this assessment for the Slovenia water sectorare displayed, which also shows average and best practicesin the Danube region. The Slovenian sector sustainabilityscore is 84, which is above the Danube averagesustainability score of 64. The assessment shows that, onaverage, the country performs well in terms of access topiped water and flush toilets, affordability, continuity ofservice, customer satisfaction, nonrevenue water, andcollection ratio. The main deficiencies of Slovenia’s watersector identified through the sector sustainabilityassessment are wastewater treatment coverage, operating costratio, and investment level. The main sector challenges are:increasing the rehabilitation of the water infrastructureand improving its reliability; and improving monitoring andreporting practices.