The objective of this report is toanalyze sources of growth in Togo and required reforms inselected sectors (agriculture, manufacturing, transport andlogistics, mining, and tourism) to allow the country toaccelerate gross domestic product (GDP) growth, thereforecreating a basis to move towards reaching the World BankGroup (WBG) twin goals. A first part of the study willprovide a macroeconomic analysis of growth in the country aswell as cross- cutting constraints in the businessenvironment. The structural trends of the economy wereanalyzed, concentrating on the performance of key sectorsand the main exports. The analysis then explored transversalconstraints to growth which typically include investment andoperating regulations, including but not limited to the taxburden. Logistics, access to finance or electricity are someof the other issues covered. A second part of this reportcovered selected sectors that support growth for an in-depth analysis.