According to United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United NationsRefugee Agency, by the end of 2017, nearly 70 million peopleworldwide were forcibly displaced - more than the entirepopulation of the United Kingdom. Governments, aid agencies,and non-government organizations (NGOs) have long providedhumanitarian aid for refugees, addressing immediate needssuch as food, water, and shelter. The need for sustainable,long-term solutions that mitigate the negative impacts offorcible displacement, uplift refugees, and support hostcommunities is therefore becoming more acute. Indeed, thedevelopment community is increasingly focusing on empoweringrefugees as agents of their own lives and economiccontributors - from providing skills training, to offeringemployment, and enabling access to financial products andservices. Private sector actors are inherentlywell-positioned to enhance and scale these efforts, giventheir strategic capabilities and business models.Multinational corporations like Mastercard, regional, andnational businesses such as Equity Bank and PowerGen, socialenterprises like NaTakallam and Sanivation, and a range ofothers across industries, are demonstrating the potentialroles of the private sector in supporting refugees and host communities.