Afghanistan possesses a richhorticultural history, with a number of unique products,such as dried fruit, that are still renowned in variousparts of the world. The period of conflict that has plaguedAfghanistan for the past 40 years has, however, severelydisrupted supply chains and markets for horticulturalproducts and, in particular, hindered the ability of tradersand producers to export products to high-value markets. Thefollowing sections provide an overview of the horticulturalsector in Afghanistan and its various components. Section1.1 describes the history and economic importance ofhorticulture in Afghanistan; section 1.2 describes theendowments and infrastructure that support the productionand trade of horticultural crops in Afghanistan; section 1.3presents an overview of the nature of horticultural inputsin Afghanistan and details methods for producinghorticultural crops; section 1.4 describes the structure ofpost-harvest activities; section 1.5 reviews the processingand marketing of horticultural products in Afghanistan;section 1.6 presents and overview of the recent performanceof the horticulture sector in Afghanistan; and section 1.7describes recent and current policies and programs focusingon the horticulture sector in Afghanistan. The report isorganized as follows: chapter one summarizes the recentliterature on the horticulture sector; chapter two presentsthe results of the Survey undertaken for this report; andchapter three lists recommendations and next steps.