The objective of the 2015 ColombiaPublic Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA)assessment is to have an updated diagnosis of theperformance of the public financial management (PFM) systemin the country so as to (i) determine the progress made withthe reforms implemented in recent years by the Government ofColombia (GoC), (ii) understand the impacts of thesereforms, (iii) establish the tools and next steps necessaryto consolidate the progress made, and (iv) promote long-termeconomic stability and sustainability. The scope of the PEFAColombia 2015 exercise covers the Central Government and theassessment analysis period are the last three completedfiscal years (2012, 2013, and 2014), at the time of theassessment (December 2015). The field mission took place inBogota between November 12 and December 18, 2015, and thisreport was prepared between January 4 and August 17, 2016,incorporating comments from the Government of Colombia andguest reviewers.