The Africa Infrastructure CountryDiagnostic (AICD) has gathered and analyzed extensive dataon infrastructure in more than 40 Sub-Saharan countries,including Angola. The results have been presented in reportscovering different areas of infrastructure-information andcommunication technology (ICT), irrigation, power,transport, water and sanitation-and different policy areas,including investment needs, fiscal costs, and sectorperformance. This report presents the key AICD findings forAngola, allowing the country's infrastructure situationto be benchmarked against that of its African peers. Giventhat Angola is a low-income resource-rich country, two setsof African benchmarks will be used to evaluate Angola'ssituation: fragile low-income countries and resource-richcountries. Detailed comparisons will also be made withimmediate regional neighbors in the Southern AfricanDevelopment Community (SADC). Several methodological issuesshould be borne in mind. First, because of the cross-countrynature of data collection, a time lag is inevitable. Theperiod covered by the AICD for Angola runs from 2005 to2009. But financial data for comparator countries typicallycover an earlier period, 2001-06, and are averaged to smoothout fluctuations, while technical data are reported for2006. In recent years, Angola's economy has been amongthe fastest growing in Africa. Looking ahead, thecountry's gross development product (GDP) is projectedto rise by 6.5 percent in 2011, with oil-sector growth of3.8 percent and nonoil- sector growth of 8.1 percent (IMF2011). A 27-year war that ended in 2002 ravaged the countryand destroyed most of its economic infrastructure. Manyroads, rails, and bridges were mined and obliterated;surviving infrastructure is dilapidated after years of neglect.