Morocco saw significant progress interms economic, social and human development outcomes duringthe past decade. Women, as men, benefitted from suchprogress and increased access to services. Gender gaps inaccess to education narrowed significantly. The reportrecommends few key areas for strategic interventions. Therecommendations are for the government and other developmentactors to focus on areas which are not only of greaterpotential impact but also a pre-requisite for women’s agencyand empowerment. These include investment in women’seducation (access and quality), the re-examination ofcertain discriminatory provisions in the country’s legalsystem (combined with an effort to strengthen implementationof the legislation and delivery of public sector services),and the promotion of cultural norms that value women asequal partners to men. The ultimate objective is to promotewomen’s empowerment as a means to achieve a more inclusive,open and prosperous society.