In the private sector, outsourcing hasbecome a recognized feature of the business scene. Whilethere are various reasons for contracting out functions toexternal organizations, in general the justification relatesto the potential cost-benefit from adopting this approach.This study set out to ascertain whether the sameconsiderations applied to administrative proceduresassociated with starting a business. Did business registriesoutsource any or all of their functions? If so, did the sameconsiderations apply as for the private sector? Were therelessons to be learned from their experience? Responses tothese and other questions were received from 53 registries.This paper is not about global commerce, at least, not inthe usual sense. It is about some of the more mundaneadministrative procedures that underpin the activities ofthe private sector, the basics that help it to function.Business registration is seen as a key factor in determiningthe investment climate of a country.