Recent history around the world hasrevealed that ICT can play a crucial role in economic andsocial development of societies at all levels ofdevelopment. ICT improves communication and the exchange ofknowledge and information necessary for developmentprocesses. In other words, ICT has revolutionized the waythe society, businesses, and the government interacts,working procedures and processes, as well as productinnovations. ‘As an accelerator, driver, multiplier, andinnovator, ICT is a powerful if not indispensable tool inthe massive scaling up and inter-linkages of developmentinterventions and outcomes.’ Policy makers in Sri Lanka,like those around the world, are concerned with ensuringthat the new drivers of competitiveness are a part of thedevelopment strategy. However, Sri Lanka’s first moveradvantage in opening and transforming its economy has placedit in a fortuitous position of having the luxury to take aholistic and comprehensive approach to ICT development. Sucha strategic approach can at once build on past strengths,apply lessons from Sri Lanka and around the world, andenable any course-corrections based on these lessons. TheGovernment’s role in this process, therefore, is to ensure:good network infrastructure (discussed in chapter two), agood business environment (discussed in chapter three), andpublic and semi-public services (discussed in chapter four).