This report provides a gender review ofa decade and a half of World Bank infrastructure lending for1,246 projects. The objective of this review is to assessthe status of and trends in gender integration in the WorldBank infrastructure portfolio, and to establish a baselinefor monitoring and enhancing gender integration in line withcommitments made for the 2006 gender action plan. Theportfolio review reveals important progress on genderintegration in infrastructure operations. While an averageof 14 percent of infrastructure projects in 1995 appliedsome attention to gender concerns in 1995, this climbed to36 percent by 2009. The global average, moreover, hideslarge strides made over time in four regions. In 2009, EastAsia and the Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, SouthAsia, and Africa all included gender concerns in the designof at least 50 percent of their infrastructure projects.Hard work remains in consolidating and extending the gainsin gender coverage across the infrastructure portfolio. Thiswill require stronger management commitment, concertedefforts, a plan with targets to achieve sustainable results,resources, specialist staffing, and capacity enhancement ofstaff. The portfolio review repeatedly found that supportinggender equality and women's empowerment ininfrastructure operations have large benefits for thecommunities; the actions not only increased women'sopportunities but also enhanced project effectiveness,efficiency, and sustainability.