On August 6, 2018, development partners(DPs) received an official request from the Ministry ofFinance (MoF) to conduct public expenditure and financialaccountability (PEFA) assessments for the federal governmentand selected regional governments and the city of AddisAbaba. The objective of the PEFA assessments is to reviewthe current performance of the PFM systems, processes, andinstitutions of the city of Addis Ababa using the new 2016PEFA framework and the 2016 supplementary guidelines onsubnational government (SNG) assessments and to trackprogress using the 2011 PEFA framework since the last PEFAassessment, which was in 2015. The assessments are aimed atassisting the government in identifying PFM weaknesses thatmay inhibit effective delivery of services to its citizensand the realization of its development objectives ingeneral. Furthermore, the findings of the PEFA assessmentswill assist the government in refining the PFM Strategy thatit has already developed and provide the basis for acoherent PFM reform program that can be supported by DPs, aswell as through the government’s own initiatives.