This report is one of four analyticalpieces on Ukraine’s innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystemdeveloped by the World Bank’s Ukraine Technical Assistanceon Innovation, supported by the Swedish Ukraine Financialand Enterprise Sector Recovery and Growth Trust Fund. Thisreport evaluates the quality mix of public support programsfor science, technology, and innovation (STI) in Ukraine andprovides recommendations for the improvement of the publicsupport programs’ effectiveness. The evaluation aims todetermine the coherence in the allocation of STIexpenditures in addressing the main innovation challenges inthe country, as well as the main gaps and redundancies. Theobjective of the review is to increase the efficiency andeffectiveness of STI public expenditure and maximize impact.The methodology used builds upon the Public ExpenditureReviews (PER) for STI (Correa 2014) and compares the demandfor innovation policies arising from an innovation ecosystemdiagnostic with the actual expenditure on STI. Given thelack of budget programming, STI expenditure sourced from theBOOST database only approximates actual expenditure due tothe lack of budget codes for all STI-related expenditure.The fact that most expenditure is disbursed as block fundingreduced the granularity of the analysis. The analysisuncovered significant gaps related to STI policies andrevealed general trends in STI expenditure.