This Malawi Economic Monitor (MEM)provides an analysis of economic and structural developmentissues in Malawi. The aim of the publication is to fosterbetter-informed policy analysis and debate regarding the keychallenges that Malawi faces in its endeavor to achieve highrates of stable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.The MEM consists of two parts: Part 1 presents a review ofrecent economic developments and a macroeconomic outlook.Part 2 focuses on a special selected topic relevant toMalawi’s development prospects. In this edition, the specialtopic focuses on Social Safety Nets.Safety nets areplaying an increasing role in promoting equity,strengthening resilience, and improving long-term humancapital outcomes. There is now robust evidence todemonstrate that social safety nets can be an efficientmeans to break the cycle of poverty and vulnerability inMalawi. The key messages of this edition of the MEM areabout economic recovery and cautious optimism.