With most of the global population andcapital goods concentrated in urban areas, cities are key tosocial development and economic prosperity. They are driversof national economic growth and innovation, and act ascultural and creative centers. Many development partners andother organizations are active on the topic of resilience incities, and there has been a recent upswing in thedevelopment and promotion of innovate programs, tools, andinitiatives. Arup International and the RockefellerFoundation have developed the city resilience framework,which provides a lens through which the complexity of citiesand the numerous factors that contribute to a city’sresilience can be understood. The framework is being used tofacilitate agenda-setting sessions in cities selected toparticipate in the 100 resilient cities challenge. Withinthis global context, the city strength diagnostic wasdeveloped to help World Bank staff apply this new holisticapproach to urban resilience to operations. It was designedto help facilitate a dialogue among stakeholders (forexample, government, civil society, residents, and theprivate sector) about risks, resilience, and the performanceof urban systems. The city strength diagnostic results inthe identification of priority actions and investments thatwill enhance the city’s resilience as well as increase theresilience building potential of planned or aspirationalprojects. It stresses a holistic and integrated approachthat encourages cross-sectoral collaborations to moreefficiently tackle existing issues and to unlockopportunities within the city.