The ultimate goal of Health, Nutritionand Population (HNP) interventions is to improve healthoutcomes in low, and middle-income countries. However,impact assessment requires the development of systems foreffective monitoring and evaluation (M&E). As aconsequence, there is increasing momentum toward supportingnational health information systems (HISs) strengtheningamong development organizations. The new primary directionof the WB, as stated in the new HNP Strategy, is the renewedfocus on HNP results. For this purpose, the WB intends tosupport the launch of a major effort to assist clientcountries to improve their national HISs. In preparation forimplementing the Action Plan, the Performance Monitoring andStatistics Team (PMS Team) aims to identify and document theassistance that different development organizations havebeen providing in recent years to countries in order toimprove their national HISs. The objectives of this reportare: to compile an inventory of activities that developmentpartners -including the WB, other UN agencies, bilateraldevelopment agencies, global health partnerships (GHP), andprivate foundations, have implemented in order to supportthe development of HISs in developing countries; and toreview a sample of success stories in improving the capacityfor collection of routine health information in developing countries.