Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs)are completely dependent on their transit neighbors infrastructure and administrative procedures to transporttheir goods to port. This publication provides acomprehensive ten-year review in order to assess theprogress made in improving access of LLDCs to globalmarkets, identify the remaining challenges faced by LLDCs,and present improved and innovative ways to overcome them.This publication is based on the practical knowledge fromimplementing the Almaty Program policies, shared by both ofour institutions. It provides a snapshot of the economictrends in LLDCs, with regard to trade costs, connectivityconstraints and trade diversification. It reviews the keyaccess policies in the Almaty Program of Action frameworkthat include infrastructure, transport and logisticsservices, regional integration, trade and transitfacilitation. It combines data and substantial feedback fromimplemented projects and policy changes. The focus of thedocument is general in scope and does not include detailedeconomic or policy analysis of all the potential componentsof reforms. The publication is organized as follows:Chapter1: Economics of Landlockedness; Chapter 2:Connectivity Constraints; Chapter 3: Hinterland Connections;Chapter 4: Transit and Trade Facilitation, RegionalIntegration; Chapter 5: Physical Connectivity, Corridors.This document is based primarily on the experience ofproject implementation by the World Bank, and on analyticalwork on trade corridors and LLDCs, including reports andpresentations on progress in implementing the Almaty Programof Action.