First in a series, which aims to analyzethe recent economic and financial situation in Côted'Ivoire, this report analyzes the main macroeconomicdevelopments and structural policies of the country from2013 until mid-2014. It also reflects on the underlyingfactors of the strong economic recovery in Côted'Ivoire since the end of the post-election crisis, toassess the likelihood of sustained economic growth andsignificant poverty reduction in the country. Finally, thereport analyzes the effects of declining oil prices and theappreciation of the dollar against the euro and the CFAfranc on the Ivorian economy. This edition does not examinethe impact of strong economic growth on the Ivoirianpopulation's well-being indicators such as, poverty,employment and inequality. Within the scope of this report,the objective is to understand the factors contributing tothe strong economic recovery in Côte d'Ivoire. Thiseconomic update is targeted toward a larger audience, inorder to stimulate constructive debate on public policy inthe country and between the country and its development partners.