Agriculture in Tanzania accounts for 28percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP)and employs 80 percent of its labor force. The sector isalso an important source of export revenues. The data andfindings presented in this report provide a summary of theperformance of the agriculture sector in Tanzania using aset of indicators covering six areas. These are: 1) accessto and availability of certified seed; 2) availability ofand access to fertilizer; 3) access to farm machinery,particularly tractor hire services for land preparation; 4)access to agricultural and agro-enterprise finance; 5) thecost and efficiency of transporting agriculturalcommodities; and 6) measures of policy certainty anduncertainty as perceived by private investors and theeffects these have on the enabling environment for producersand agribusinesses. The Agribusiness Indicators (ABI) teamconducted interviews with Government agencies, private firms(fertilizer importers, seed companies, tractor importers anddistributors, transporters), commercial banks, farmer-basedorganizations, donors, and Non Governmental Organizations(NGOs). The ABI program is pilot testing an initial set ofindicators on the ease (or difficulty) of operatingagribusinesses in African countries. The indicators are usedto assess whether the countries have an enabling environmentthat is conducive to agribusiness investment,competitiveness, and ultimately agriculture-led growth.