Hungary’s recently established equalityof opportunity framework guides the planning andimplementation of interventions addressing the most pressingsocial inclusion challenges at the local level. The equalityof opportunity framework provides a comprehensive set ofresources, guidance, and templates to local governments tofacilitate the planning of local equality plans (LEPs).Through extensive consultations with various governmentaland non-governmental stakeholders at the national and locallevel, a series of challenges were identified for movingfrom a theoretical planning exercise to an earnestapplication that is, operationalization of the equality ofopportunity framework at the local level. The intention ofthis handbook is to provide: practical guidance and hands-oninstruments that empower local stakeholders to actively andeffectively shape the local social inclusion landscapewithin the overall guiding framework of the local equalopportunity programs. The handbook therefore focuses on thechallenges and opportunities of those local governments andrelated stakeholders that have the relevant primary carecapacities and apparatus. The handbook is accompanied by acomprehensive set of illustrative local social inclusioncase studies from all over Hungary. The case studies areintended to increase stakeholders’ awareness, facilitateknowledge transfer, and peer learning. Even relevantelements of the case studies need to be customized andintegrated into the local context.