Complaints Handling within Financial Service Providers : Principles, Practices, and Regulatory Approaches
World Bank
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  141419
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Core to an effective financial consumerprotection framework is an accessible and efficient recoursemechanism that allows consumers both to know and to asserttheir rights to have their complaints addressed and resolvedin a transparent and just way within a reasonable timeframe.Complaints handling mechanisms are especially important forlow-income and vulnerable financial consumers, to whomtimely and effective recourse processes can have a decisiveinfluence over their trust in their financial serviceprovider (FSP) and in the financial sector in general.Increased trust contributes to consumers' uptake andsustained usage of financial services and, consequently,their economic livelihoods. Financial consumer complaintshandling mechanisms comprise two stages: complaints that arehandled by FSPs, generally referred to as internal disputeresolution (IDR); and complaints that, if not satisfactorilyresolved, are handled by an alternative, out-of-courtprocess, generally referred to as external disputeresolution (EDR). There are several international sources ofprinciples applicable to complaints handling and resolutionprocesses and procedures to be established by FSPs. Drawingfrom the World Bank's Good Practices for FinancialConsumer Protection, the work of international bodies, suchas the Group of Twenty (G20)/Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD) Task Force on FinancialConsumer Protection, as well as selected country experiencesthis Technical Note highlights considerations that aim toprovide a methodological guidance for regulators and FSPswhen developing and implementing IDR frameworks to ensurethey are consistent with international good practices. ThisTechnical Note synthesizes concepts, principles, andpractices for IDR mechanisms for financial consumers andshares examples of legal and regulatory requirements forFSPs to resolve complaints and to ensure that complaints-related data is collected, analyzed, and shared asappropriate to support improvements in FSP performance,industry market conduct, and market conduct regulation.

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