The objective of this policy note is toprovide an empirically-based assessment of thePerformance-based Bonus (PBB) initiative with the aim ofproviding recommendations on further improving the scheme,if necessary, for the remaining duration of the Aquinoadministration and beyond. The assessment is based on alarge survey of government officials conducted by the WorldBank from September 2013 to March 2014, in collaborationwith the Department of Budget and Management and theInter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on government performance.The note is structured as follows: the next section providesthe fiscal context for the PBB, which is followed by a briefdescription of the survey methodology. The survey was notlimited to the PBB but explored broader perceptions of paylevels as well as of other human resource managementpractices. This note however, focuses on the assessment ofthe PBB which is covered in the next section that detailsthe main findings of the survey. The final section presentsrecommendations, and these recommendations are all for theimmediate term given the limited time left for the Aquino administration.