Water supply and sanitation (WSS)utilities are expected to become increasingly susceptible tothe expected impacts of climate change. WSS utility plannersand engineers have dealt with natural climate variances anddisaster planning as part of the design process for manyyears. However, the traditional methods for these plans havenot considered the deep uncertainty surrounding many futureconditions, which are further exacerbated by climate change.To help utilities incorporate resilience and robustness intheir choices, this road map proposes a process in threephases that can inform the design of strategies necessary toWSS services provision. The road map builds on theunderstanding that climate change is most often an amplifierof existing uncertainties (many of which are threats), and,as such, should not be evaluated as a stand-alone impact.The approach reveals the strengths and vulnerabilities ofinvestment plans concisely and helps utilities investrobustly by identifying near-term, no-regret projects thatcan be undertaken now, while maintaining flexibility inpursuing additional actions adaptively as future conditionsevolve. These results can be achieved both with aqualitative exploration and a quantitative assessment,depending on the context and the resources available.