The current report is a milestone forpreparing the Romanian climate change (CC) action plan. A CCaction plan should be based on the consolidation andcoordination of both mitigation and adaptation measures andoptions. An important step in the elaboration of such a planis the selection of appropriate actions. This selectionrequires the involvement of competent authorities in the keysectors, including, in the case of Romania, transport,energy, urban, water, agriculture, and forestry. Thescreening approaches are used to facilitate a transparentdecision-making process in various fields such asenvironmental impacts, dangerous substances, environmentalfootprint of products, or CC actions. The report isstructured as follows: section one gives introduction.Section two summarizes the usage of screening approaches inthe field of CC and environment by different European Union(EU) member states and by the European Commission. Sectionthree discusses the main categories of mitigation andadaption measures that can be included in a CC action plan.Section four presents the screening approach and process anddescribes several complementary tools (multi-criteriaanalysis, cost-benefit analysis (CBA), cost effectivenessanalysis (CEA), modeling) that should be used when thescreening approach is insufficient. Section five provides aconclusion and key recommendations.