The main message of this report is thatif Kazakhstan wants to take advantage of global integrationand diversification opportunities, the government needs toimprove its trade policy framework, its management, and itsregulations. It is also finalizing accession to the WorldTrade Organization (WTO) while its trade strategy includes anumber of free trade agreements to be negotiated. It is anactive member of the Central Asia Region EconomicCooperation (CAREC). This report is composed of three policynotes that discuss how to improve the trade policyframework, management, and regulations: note one is on thetrade policy framework and recommends joining the WTO on atariff schedule that is more liberal than Russia’s; note twopostulates that to benefit more fully from the WTOmembership and future regional or bilateral agreements, theinstitutional framework for trade policy management willneed a clearer strategic vision, better coordination withinthe government and with private sector, and enhanced humancapacity; and note three suggests that for the privatesector to benefit from global integration anddiversification, the government should ease the burden ofregulations that affect trade (non-tariff measures (NTMs)).