As India continues to urbanize and movetowards a less agricultural- and more industry-basedeconomy, land demands will continue to grow. Its urbanpopulation is expected to increase by more than 200 millionby 2030, requiring 4 to 8 million hectares of land forresidential use alone. Demands for infrastructure andindustry could add a similar amount, summing to total landdemand of 5 to10 percent of the land area currently used foragriculture. If not handled well, such massive land usechange may increase vulnerability and food insecurity,rent-seeking, environmental problems, social dislocation,inequality, and conflict. But it also provides anopportunity to address the underlying structural issues,propelling India into the league of middle-income countriesand laying the ground for significantly advancing sharedprosperity and reduced poverty. This synthesis reportpresents results from land governance self-assessments bysix states: The fact that land is a state subject impliesthat actions to improve land governance need to be initiatedat state level. To identify opportunities, six statesimplemented the Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF),a tool that allow comparing the status of their landgovernance against international good practice along a setof dimensions in a very participatory process. Results aresummarized in state reports that were validated publicly anddiscussed with policy makers in each state. This nationalreport complements these and draws out common areas.