This document provides an overview ofneeds and gaps in regard to early warning and responsecapabilities in Tonga. It consolidates information gatheredin: (i) August 2014 during an early warning system (EWS)needs assessment to inform the development of the WorldBank’s Pacific resilience program (PREP); and (ii) August2016 from discussions with key stakeholders (governmentbodies and development partners) about EWS activitiescurrently underway or recently completed. Using thisinformation this document identifies the needs for futureEWS activities which remain unfunded. A number of activitiessupporting EWS have been undertaken in Tonga in recentyears. This report provides a matrix of activities againstthe key areas of EWS. By providing a clear outline of thecurrent state of play for EWS in Tonga and identifiedoutstanding needs it is hoped this document will supportdiscussions about future investments in this sector.