Market-based reforms and the opening upof trade and investment initiated over the past four yearshave had a positive impact on growth in Myanmar. These haveenhanced private sector participation and increased the roleof exports in the economy. Reforms have included streamlinedbusiness entry procedures, reduced export and importlicensing requirements, and enhanced public-privatepartnerships and dialogue. Promoting private sectorcompetitiveness and inclusion in Myanmar have enormouspotential to drive job creation, economic diversification,and structural transformation. This would involve improvingthe investment climate with an emphasis on transparency andpredictability; reducing trade costs and strengtheningconnectivity for economic integration; enhancingpublic-private partnerships; and strengthening institutionalcapacity to drive the reform process. The ongoing peaceprocess calls for careful sequencing of reforms, startingwith reducing the costs of doing business and engaging intrade; consulting with local communities; and supportingvulnerable groups adversely affected by economic changes.